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Athens, Ampelokipoi-Panormou, Office For Rent 100 sq.m., Property status: Very Good, Floor: 5th, 1 level(s), 4 spaces, Heating: Central - Petrol, 1 Bathrooms(s), 1 WC, Building...
Alimos, Apartment For Sale, 157 sq.m., Property Status: under construction, Floor: 5th, 2 Level(s), 3 Bedrooms 1 Kitchen(s), 2 Bathroom(s), 1 WC, Heating: Personal - Natural Ga...
Alimos, Apartment For Sale, 123 sq.m., Property Status: under construction, Floor: 5th, 1 Level(s), 3 Bedrooms 1 Kitchen(s), 2 Bathroom(s), Heating: Personal - Natural Gas, Vie...
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